Registration Fees & Pricing

The Registration fees for the SPELL-A-THON OLYMPIADS COMPETITION are as follows

Round 1 – 250 INR

Round 2 – 350 INR

Final Round (Round 3) – 550 INR

 The above prescribed Fees are inclusive of GST as applicable. 

Convenience Fee charged by the Payment Gateway during the online payment process is on account of the person effecting the payment.


Contact Us


Office : 49 Jatin Das Road, First Floor, Kolkata – 700029

For Business Related enquiry

Janaki Venkatramani

M : 9830502210 / 8240443500
Email :

Sahil Khan

M : 7596810148
Email :


Registration & other enquiry

write us at

Sanjeev Mishra

M : 9038902893

Sukanya Sur

M : 7077102829

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